Europe's best kept secret.....
A2B via Sea® will show you how to travel around Europe on a budget and what you can expect.
A2B via Sea® is a completely unbiased blog designed to promote the use of ferry travel to tourists around the world as THE way to travel from A2B.
No luggage restrictions, extremely cost effective, plentiful facilities & beautiful vistas guaranteed, why travel from A2B any other way?
Whether you are a family on an annual vacation, a student on a spring break or a couple backpacking across the continent, A2B via Sea® is here to help you via my blogs & vlogs.
My blogs are written from personal observations and experiences having undertaken the voyages and explored the ships myself.
I will explain the port formalities, whether it's in Norway, Tangier, Ireland or Greece then, I will show you exactly what the ferry has to offer in terms of dining options, overnight accommodation, leisure facilities and child provisions.
You may be aboard a small domestic ferry between the Isle of Wight and mainland England or perhaps a giant cruise ferry crossing the Mediterranean between Spain and Italy - believe me, I've travelled aboard many of them!
Why travel
by ferry?
~ The benefits of ferry travel ~
Sailing right into the heart of the action; no lengthy transfers are required unlike travelling by aeroplane.
No luggage restrictions, extremely cost effective, excellent facilities and beautiful vistas guaranteed.
Travelling solo or perhaps with your family & pet dog. Maybe you are backpacking across the continent with your partner or looking for a more civilised way to travel with your wheelchair - everyone is catered for!
Meandering around an airport departure lounge for hours on end, wedging your meticulously measured bag in an overhead locker, being confined to a seat in cramped conditions surrounded by strangers, having a beverage & snack only when the steward gets to you and subsequently playing 'Jenga' with your purchases and garbage on the tiny fold down table.
All this sound familiar? You are supposed to be on vacation!
Travel from A to B via sea
Global Influencer
~Three decades of exploring Europe by ferry~
A2B via Sea® is Europe's ONLY blog which focusses purely on ferry travel.
* 2.2 MILLION YouTube views
* 8.2K Facebook likes/followers
* 1.4K+ Instagram followers
A2B via Sea® is designed to promote FERRY TRAVEL to tourists around the world who are looking for an alternative way to explore Europe & wish to visit numerous countries on a budget.
* Solo travel
* Wheelchair friendly travel
* Backpacker friendly
* Pet friendly travel
A2B via Sea® is truly my passion project, gaining more and more traction each day. Since launching my brand in January 2021, A2B via Sea ® now has a global presence and has grown beyond my wildest dreams; it features heavily on social media - Facebook, Instagram & LinkedIn, all knitted together with its own hashtag #a2bviasea.
My unbiased blogs have been read thousands of times and to create a truly immersive experience, A2B via Sea® on TV was launched - a YouTube portal allowing you to [virtually] come aboard for a walk around the ship to see how its facilities would benefit you.
Here my timeline:
January 2021
The UK enters its 3rd Coronavirus lockdown. Looking for something to pass my time I wondered if others would be interested in the ferry reports I had written over +/- 30yrs and the thousands of interior photographs I had taken.
15 January 2021
I launched a Facebook page - FOREward Thinking, a Nautical Flavour (fore as in the bow of a ship) - to 'test the water' to see if enthusiasts are interested in old ferry photos.
27 January 2021
I purchased a domain name and built basic website to house potential blogs
10 February 2021
I received my 300th Facebook 'follower' in the 3wks since its launch
28 February 2021
I launched a Twitter page.
9 March 2021
I made my website / Twitter / Facebook pages 'look' the same with identical headers for continuity.​​​​
​​​​ -
6 April 2021
I changed the Facebook page to a 'business page' to look less 'amateur'
6 April 2021
I introduced a dedicated email address for website reader queries:
13 April 2021
Received 1000 Facebook likes/followers, 4 months since its launch!​
24 May 2021
Launched an Instagram page for yours truly. Aptly named 'thebearded_blogger' it aims to depict the life of a [nautical] travel blogger and what travelling by ferry around Europe is like.
28 May 2021
Realising FOREward Thinking a Nautical Flavour is not 'catchy', after thinking long and hard about possible names I came up with A2B via Sea - A2B as in port to port routes and sea for obvious reasons, though A B C is an easy name for members of the public to remember.
*** now thinking of A2B via Sea as an actual brand ***
July 2021
YouTube channel 'A2B via Sea on TV' launched.​
23 November 2021
YouTube channel 'A2B via Sea on TV' received its 100,000th view.​
15 April 2022
YouTube channel 'A2B via Sea on TV' received its 1000th subscriber.
29 April 2022
A2B via Sea approached by a bridge officer aboard Brittany Ferries Bretagne having seen my social media posts and invited me onto the bridge to film our arrival into Portsmouth.
A2B via Sea / the Bearded Blogger is getting recognised!
24 May 2022
YouTube channel 'A2B via Sea on TV' received its 900,000th view.​
20 June 2022
Website statistics show a huge increase in people from the United States and Australia viewing this website​.
​21 July 2022
A2B via Sea welcomes its 2000th 'follower' on its primary social media page Facebook​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​.
12 August 2022
DFDS invites A2B via Sea to sample the brand new Dunkerque/Rosslare tourist service, to complete the customer journey from check-in to disembarkation - A2B via Sea is the FIRST independent blogger in Europe to undertake this voyage.
August 2022
Approached by a charming Polish family in Rosslare Europort Ireland and asked if I was the 'blogger man'. A2B via Sea / the Bearded Blogger is visually getting recognised in Europe.
26 September 2022
1,000,000 views on Youtube channel 'A2B via Sea on TV'.
23 November 2022
Combined total of 4,000 Facebook likes & followers.
December 2021 I identified a niche market & took the decision to focus on European Ferry Travel for tourists rather than the ferry enthusiast - the aim being to 'promote' European ferry travel in an unbiased way; there are many blogs and pages promoting cruise ship travel, but nothing for ferries.
23 December 2022
A2B via Sea® is officially trade marked with the IPO.
March 2023
Rebranding of A2B via Sea® commences - designing new logo & overhaul of website.
June 2023
A2B via Sea® is the first travel blogger in Europe to film the interior of Oscar Wilde, Irish Ferries new vessel, on her maiden voyage from Pembroke Dock.
June 2023
A2B via Sea® is the first travel blogger in Europe to extensively film the passenger facilities of P&O Pioneer, the world's largest double ended ferry.
June 2023
A2B via Sea® is the only travel blogger aboard P&O Ferries Pride of Kent to document her last ever sailing.
June 2023
A2B via Sea® logo is officially trademarked with the IPO.
March 2024
A2B via Sea® is the first blogger in Europe to travel aboard
P&O Liberte, the world's largest double ended ferry.​
June 2024
​YouTube 'A2B via Sea on TV' received its 2,000,000th view.
August 2024
​YouTube 'A2B via Sea on TV' received its 2,100,000th view.
September 2024​
A2B via Sea is the first blogger to document Irish Ferries
Isle of Innisfree for YouTube.
October 2024
2,200,000 views of YouTube channel
A2B via Sea on TV
And my mission... showcase European ferry travel to tourists around the world as a comfortable, convenient & excellent value for money mode of transport when visiting Europe.